Autocross Cone Knitting Pattern

In response to popular demand by the autocross community (yes, really), here is the knitting pattern I use to knit mini cones.

For those of you wondering what inspired this post, someone offered to/threatened to/wished he could write an article titled, “How to get past the Nationals Hangover: A guide to knitting”. My brother pointed out that I could actually write it, only I wanted to title it “How Street Mommafied spends the off season when not working or chasing after a toddler or cutting hair for G-fab boys or cooking or cleaning the house or fixing a car or making G-fab hoodies to match the color scheme of a certain ESP car”.

Skill level: Rookie

Tools you need

  • Size 5 or 6 dpns (4)
  • Orange yarn, worsted weight
  • Fiberfill
  • Welder (just kidding)



  • Cast on any number of stitches that is a multiple of 3. I suggest trying 18 to see what size it is, and then adjust as necessary for the next one. Leave a long tail for attaching cone to base.
  • Divide among 3 dpns.
  • Join for working in the round. *K 2 rows. K2tog at the beginning of each needle for 1 row.* Repeat from * to * until there are 2 stitches left on each needle. Cut yarn, and use a tapestry needle to pull end through 6 remaining stitches, and tie a knot to secure. You can either tuck this in, or make a loop if you want to hang the cone.


  • For the base, you may need to experiment to see how many stitches you need. When I start with 18 stitches for the cone, I use 12 stitches for the base.
  • Cast on 12 (or whatever you need) stitches. Knit in garter stitch (K every row) until you have a square. For me, I will need 20 rows if I start with 12 stitches.
  • Bind off, and weave in ends.


  • Stuff the cone with fiberfill. Use the long tail to attach the cone to the base. Take care that you keep the cone centered on the base.

You’re done!

PS, I’ve never written a knitting pattern, so please let me know if anything is unclear. I could maybe do a video tutorial, but it will be on my to-do list after “G-fab hoodies” so don’t hold your breath.

Autocross Cone